Find our locations throughout Scotland

We have 4 locations
throughout Scotland:
1. Ayrshire
2. Dumfries
3. Fife
4. Falkirk
(Falkirk & Fife share the same office)
This positions us as the country’s premier provider of Care at Home.
Our location spread means we can service our clients from the West Coast, through the Central Belt and the South of the country.

1st Homecare Ayrshire
Our Ayrshire head office is located at Sovereign House, Academy Road, Irvine Ayrshire, KA12 8RL. Our Service Manager for this area is Jane Louden.
Kilwinning Road, Irvine, Ayrshire, KA12 8RU
1st Homecare Dumfries
Our Dumfries head office is located at Unit 20, Heathhall Business Centre, Dumfries, DG1 3PH. Our Service Manager for this area is Julie Stuart.
Heathhall Business Centre, DG1 3PH
1st Homecare Fife
Our Fife office is located at Unit 6B, The Courtyard, Callander Business Park, Callander Road, Falkirk, FK1 1XR. Our Service Manager is Diane Gallagher.
Unit 6B, Callander Business Park, FK1 1XR
1st Homecare Falkirk
Our Falkirk office is located at Unit 6B, The Courtyard, Callander Business Park, Callander Road, Falkirk, FK1 1XR. Our Service Manager is Diane Gallagher.
Unit 6B, Callander Business Park, FK1 1XR